Behavioral Health Policy Manuals

Man with laptop

Our Policy Manuals

Lanstat LLC publishes policy manuals to help you get a head start on meeting Washington State regulatory requirements. Our Administrative, Personnel and Clinical manuals contain the necessary sections for Washington Administrative Code 246-341. Residential (RTF) substance abuse disorder manuals include WAC 246-337.

To ensure your new manuals are ready, all you need to do is review all sections to add or modify procedures that show how your actual agency meets each policy and you're done! More details can be found on the FAQ page and in each product description.


• Easy policy editing
• Minimize lengthy crosschecking
• All pertinent sections included
• Expanded suggestions for procedures
• Consistent education and collaboration
• Coherent and easy to use format
• Comprehensive index
• Digital format for effortless portability
• Updates available when rules change
"I have written my own manuals for the last twenty years despite being told that yours are the only way to go. So many colleagues have shared how it makes things so much easier and eliminates the guess work. Sadly, I tend to be a glutton for punishment and have made life more complicated as a result..but I try to live with no regrets. I’m grateful to have bought your manuals and appreciate your help getting me through this process."
- Executive Director
staff meeting